
What if you and your family had to pick
trash all day for a living?

What if you longed to learn,
but couldn't go to school?

The sound of a truck horn changed your life forever.
Based on a true story . . . 
Armando and the Blue Tarp School
by Edith Hope Fine and Judith Pinkerton Josephson
Lee & Low Books, from the award-winning
multicultural children's book publisher 
In 1985, seeing eager children flock to his blue-tarp school by the Tijuana dump, authors Edith Hope Fine and Judith Pinkerton Josephson wrote about teacher David Lynch for the Los Angeles Times.

Now in his 31st year, Lynch's thriving school has changed the lives of thousands of young children.
One who first sat on David's blue tarp is now a teacher at the school. 
The Power of One
Through David Lynch's vision, thousands of children have been touched by hope. 
"Against all odds, the average student from our kindergarten graduates, working one full year
above grade level."
-David Lynch 
Special thanks go to Esteban for granting permission to use his beautiful music as background for our Armando book trailer.

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