As you hear the story of Armando, put yourself in his place.
Picture his home. Think about what he longs for.

Do a two-minute cluster on Armando's neighborhood. Think of the five senses.
Make a cluster about your neighborhood.
- Make an illustrated Word Book like Armando's with words in two languages.
(See the Glossary.)
- Create a collage of recycled scraps.
Name your art piece and sign it. Artists do.

- Build "recycled" sculptures, like this one, using cardboard tubes, cans, paper scraps, old yarn, and other found materials.
- Study Hernán Sosa's artwork. Draw a picture using his method of outlining shapes in white.
Like David, you can make a difference in the world.
That's the Power of One.
Be a roving recycler
- At home
- At school
- In your neighborhood
Learn about what other kids in your community are doing to make a difference through volunteering and helping others.
Make and taste typical Mexican dishes-yum! Search a kids' cookbook or the Internet for recipes for the dishes below.
- homemade salsa
- guacamole
- tortilla soup
- quesadillas
- sweets-flan, banuelos
Empathy is understanding what other people are thinking or feeling.
- What did Armando want more than anything?
- At first, how did Papa feel about Señor David's school?
- What changed Papa's mind?
- What did Papa do that made Armando happy?
- How did Isabella help Armando?
- How did Señor David show he cared about Armando and the other children?
- What do you and Armando have in common?
- What is the same and different about your home, your school, your life?
- How did Armando learn and grow in this book?
- What do you think made Señor David decide to stay for so many years?
- A theme is the unspoken "glue" of the story, the message that the story gives. What could the Armando theme be?
Sing and dance to Mexican music.
- Make maracas with dry beans in a cardboard tube.
- Learn about the instruments in mariachi bands
- Find some typical Mexican songs
- Make up a song using the Spanish numbers one to ten or other Spanish words.
You won't find BUH-BEEP! OR EEP-EEP-EEP! in a dictionary.
- Have fun making up spellings for sounds you hear every day.
-A SHOOOSH of dry leaves
-The VROOM of a jet
-A CRAAACK of thunder
-The SKREEEK of a rusty gate hinge
-The SKRAAWWK of a crow
Learn hello, good-bye, please, and thank you in ten other languages.
- Make flashcards like the ones in the book using the Glossary at the back of the book.